MariaHertogh-Video@Sunday 26 June 2011,01:54

A more understanding video for you .

Anti - National Service Riots - Photos@,01:48


Hey , its clara here .
Just wanted to tell you about the experience i had for this project .
Well , this project really bring us back to the past , how singapore was before the modern singapore we have .
How did we do our project ?
HAHA , we met up twice at the library .
First visit was the best as shafiqah and i went the the Central library at bugis , we used a microflim to do some research on maria hertogh .
It was a very nice thing to be in there , you should go there and use the microflim as you can see the old newspapers.(:
Well , thats all , BYE (:

Maria Hertogh - Videos@,01:35

This is a message from Maria Hertogh aka Nadra .

Anti - National Service Riots@,01:29

Anti-National Service Riots

How did it start?

The riots were started by the Chinese educated students when the government introduced national service in Singapore.

National service ordinance requires all Singapore Males from age 18 to 20 to register for it , it is not very popular with the secondary students as most of them were 20 and above as their education had to be disrupted by the war .

The students did not wanted to defend the British as they were biased against the British, only a very few students from the Chinese schools turned up.

On the 13 of May 1954, more than one thousand students gathered in front of the government house to present the petition in a peaceful way, it then turned into a riot when the police were called in to stop it then the police and students fought. 26 people were injured and 48 students were arrested for the riot.

This was partly because the British has been biased against the Chinese. They were treated unfairly in the educational and economic terms. In 1950, English schools took 79.8% of the budget, and Chinese schools took only 5.8%.

There were 287 Chinese schools and 131 English schools and the Chinese was not allowed to go to universities in Singapore , had to go china for further education, until Nanyang university was set up. The Chinese were also given odd jobs.

Who were involved?

1.            Chinese Males age from 18 – 20

Impacts on people

The Chinese then become more politically conscious  and anti-government feelings started to breed the public .

Photos of the Maria Hertogh Riots@,00:47

 First picture on the left : Maria Hertogh
Second Picture on the left : Che Aminah and Maria Hertogh
Third Picture on the left : Maria Hertogh and her husband .
Fourth picture on the left : Maria Hertogh and her friends .
Fifth picture on the left : News Article
Sixth picture on the left : Supporters protesting .
Seventh picture on the left : news article .
Eighth picture on the left : new article about maria hertogh movie .

Maria Hertogh@,00:33

Maria Hertogh .
                                                       Why did it happened ?

Maria Hertogh was born in Java in 1937 by her Dutch catholic parents .

Her family and her came to Singapore to stay , but her parents was capture during the Japanese occupation , thus Maria came under the care of a Malay woman , Che Aminah and her spouse . Due to that , she was then brought up as a Muslim .

In the year 1949 , Maria’s mother , Adeline Hertogh came to take her daughter back and this case was brought to the high court Singapore .

In May 1950 , the court ruled that Maria Hertogh should be returned to her real parents .

But then she was already married at the age of 13 ,  to a Malay  teacher when she was under the care of Che Aminah .

Che Aminah then tried to make an appeal ,  by November 1950 they went back to court .

The Dutch law did not recognize Maria’s marriage as she was under-aged and her father’s concern was not obtained .

This led into a dissatisfaction between the Muslim community , as they felt that the Muslim law was not respected .

Maria was put under the care of a catholic convert in Thomson road .

Che Aminah did not stop fighting for the care of Maria and appeal again for the custody of Maria . however , the court threw out the appeal within 5 minutes and caused more dissatisfaction to the Muslim community , as they felt that the British took sides with the Dutch .

Therefore , the supporters of Aminah started a riot by overturning cars and burning it. The riot also had erupted in the vicinity of mosques .

Europeans and Eurasians were attacked at sight .

The riot continued for 3 days and a curfew was imposed for 2 weeks .

Army was called in to maintain law and order which was under control within 3 days . however , 18 people were killed and 173 were injured during the riot .

Who were involved?

Maria Bertha Hertogh , Adeline Hertogh and Che Aminah

What happened ?

Maria was adopted by Che Aminah while her biological parents were imprisoned by the Japanese , but when her biological parents  came to claim her , her foster parents were unwilling to give her up.

Court trials were held , Che Aminah got custody but lost in the end .Malays were angry with verdict , though the judge were biased and started a riot .

Impacts on people ?

Europeans and Eurasians were attacked at sight – cars were overturned and burnt

173 people were injured and 18 killed

Business and economy were affected due to riots and curfews imposed .


Nur Syazwani
Nur Khairunnisa
Age: 14 , this year

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